My Meditation Channel

These videos are designed to address different aspects of meditation so that you might build and sustain a strong meditation practice. It’s fair to say there are many pitfalls and traps for beginners and experienced alike when it comes to meditation. I hope you gain many benefits in your meditation from watching these videos.

In this video we discuss the One Rule of Meditation, which can save a lot of pain and expense with your knees.

In this video we discuss what to do when aches, pains & emotions come up in meditation.

In this video we demonstration and analyse what constitutes a good meditation posture.

Tips and techniques to help improve your meditation. Often simple adjustments can bring dramatic results for your meditation practice.

12 signs your meditation is working. Experiences we have in meditation are indicators of the success of your practice. Everything means something in meditation. This is where tips, techniques and context become invaluable in aiding you to deeper, more fulfilling meditations.

In this video we explore using apps in meditation. Tips, techniques & context to help improve your meditation.

In this video we explore what you rest on in meditation? We discuss the device on which your consciousness rests. Tips, techniques & context to help improve your meditation.

We discuss some of the things you need to take into account when you are creating a meditation space for yourself.